4972 Garden Valley Rd
Roseburg, OR 97471
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Mon - Fri: 8:00am - 4:30pm Starting August 1, 2024 UBWA will be closed from 12:00 to 1:00 for lunch
Business Hours
Roseburg, OR 97471
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Business Hours
If you have lost, misplaced or accidentally destroyed the certificate that was sent out via US mail then you will need to fill out an Affidavit of Lost Certificate and an Authorization to Transfer. This paperwork can be downloaded from our website. You will need to enter the names on the affidavit how they appeared on the Certificate. If you are not sure how the names appear on the certificate, call our office and we can help. Once you have the Affidavit filled out, you will need to sign it in front of a Notary.
The UBWA certificate which you should have received in the mail should be taken to the title/escrow company that you are working with. You as the owners of the certificate need to sign the back of the certificate and turn it over to the title/escrow company. Along with a few other pieces of required paperwork, the certificate will be the key piece of paperwork that will transfer the ownership of the UBWA membership to the new owners.
If you have a backflow device, then your residence was identified as a site that has the potential for cross connection with a secondary water source (well, river irrigation, pond, spring or another source), or you may have sprinklers, pool, hot tub, marijuana grow, or other types of potential hazards. For further questions, please reach out to our Cross Connection department for any further clarification.
We use a third party site called Xpress Bill Pay. This site is free to sign up for. Its free to view your water bill and free to receive an email when your bill is due. They do charge a minimum fee to process a transaction using a credit card, debit card or if you setup auto pay. You should see the cost of any fees as you are checking out. The site available 24/7/365. Most of the banks or credit unions already offer this feature for free and it is a lot more secure.
So, if you want to go paperless, and get an email when your next water bill is ready, signup for Xpress Bill Pay today!
UBWA brings water in from the North Umpqua river through a series of pumps. We inject a disinfectant called Sodium Hypochlorite and we add Aluminum Chlorohydrate to remove dissolved organic material from the water. Using both of these products assist us in cleaning up the water prior to the filtration process. The water is filtered through UltraFiltration Membranes that have a nominal pore size of .02 microns.
UBWA uses Sodium Hypochlorite that is generated here onsite using a system called MIOX. The word MIOX stands for Mixed Oxidant.
Our water source is the North Umpqua River.
4972 Garden Valley Rd